
European Fairs: Impact of 44.4M Visitors & 438K Exhibitors

Fairs in Europe attracted 44.4M visitors and 438K exhibitors, showcasing sustainability, diverse sectors, and significant economic impact.

Explore the profound impact of European fairs, highlighting sustainability, diverse sectors, and economic influence. The Euro Fair Statistics 2022 report provides a detailed overview of the European exhibition industry, revealing its significant reach, economic contribution, and ongoing adaptation to new event formats.

The 2022 Euro Fair Statistics report offers a detailed look into the vibrant fair industry across Europe. Here are the highlights:

Visitor Statistics

  • Total Visitors: A whopping 44.4 million people attended these fairs in 2022. 🧳
  • Visitor Types: 40% were trade visitors, 27% were public visitors, and 33% attended fairs that catered to both. 🎟️
  • Foreign Visitors: Many of the visitors traveled from outside the host country, adding an international flavor to the events. 🌍

Exhibitor Statistics

  • Total Exhibitors: The fairs saw participation from 438,925 exhibitors, showcasing a wide array of products and services. 🏢
  • Exhibitor Categories: The events spanned multiple sectors, with big showings from Leisure, Hobby, Entertainment, Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery, and Engineering. 🌾⚙️

Attendance and Economic Impact

  • Events: The data covers 1,826 exhibitions organized by 710 different organizers. 📅
  • Space Utilization: These events took up a massive 18.4 million square meters of rented space. 🏟️
  • Market Coverage: The certified events represented about 47% of the European exhibition market in terms of net space rented. 📈

Industry Sector Breakdown

  • Leisure, Hobby, Entertainment: This sector accounted for 12% of the rented space and 18% of the events. 🎮🎨
  • Agriculture, Forestry, Fishery: 11% of the space and 8% of the events were dedicated to this sector. 🚜🌲
  • Engineering, Industrial, Manufacturing: This sector took up 9% of the space and 7% of the events. 🏭🔧
  • Food and Beverage, Hospitality: Also at 9% of the space, this sector represented 8% of the events. 🍔🍷
  • Textiles, Apparel, Fashion: This stylish sector used 5% of the space and accounted for 7% of the events. 👗🧵
  • 📊 1,826 certified exhibitions from 14 countries: The report covers data from Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Czech Republic, Finland, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Turkey.
  • 🌐 Hybrid events included for the second year: Data on 43 hybrid events was collected, showcasing the industry’s adaptation to changing event formats.
  • 🏆 UFI estimated 47% European market coverage: The certified events in the report are estimated to represent almost half of the European exhibition market in terms of net rented space.
  • 📈 Leisure, Hobby, and Entertainment sector leading: This sector occupied the most rented space (12%) and had the highest number of events (18%).

The Euro Fair Statistics 2022 report provides a detailed overview of the European exhibition industry, revealing its significant reach, economic contribution, and ongoing adaptation to new event formats.

These statistics underscore the crucial role of fairs in driving trade, boosting various industries, and providing significant economic benefits across Europe. The inclusion of hybrid and digital events shows how the fair industry is evolving to meet modern challenges and opportunities.

For more detailed insights, check out the full 2022 Euro Fair Statistics report. 📖

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