Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show

March 20, 2025

March 23, 2025

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Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show Seoul

The Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show Trade Show will be held at Seoul COEX Convention & Exhibition Center in Seoul, South Korea.

More info about Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show Seoul

Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show (KIMES) brings with its products like the eclectic spread of consultation and diagnostic equipment, clinical examination equipment, radiology equipment, surgical apparatus, physiotherapy apparatus, ophthalmic apparatus, dental apparatus, central supply equipment, pharmaceutical and surgical equipment, disposables, emergency equipment and more. It is an event dedicated to the improvement of the healthcare industry. KIMES sets the stage for the introduction of the latest tools and technology that may aid in the healthcare industry in the Hospitals & Medical Equipments industry.

The KIMES will exhibit the following products and services, IT based medical information system, medical and communication system for hospital communication, medical vehicle for fast and sage delivery, waste disposal management system, new technologies and new products, Hand Held Recording Doppler Set, Thermagraphy, Infrared Thermographic Images System, Stethoscope, Doppler Fetus Pulse Detector, Endoscopic System, Cardiac Output Computer, Biophysical Recording System, Imaging Diagnostic System, Thermometer, Blood Pressure Meter Sphygmoanometer, Rheoencephalograph, Cardiovascular Devices, Autonomic Nervous System Analyzer, Audiometer, Ultrasound Scanner, Urine or Excrement Analyzers, Blood Chemistry Analyzer, Automatic, Blood Gases Test System, Bilirubinometer, Flame Photometer Spectrophotometer, Electrolyte Analyzer, Blood Bank Refrigerator, Centrifuge, Glucose Test System, Freezer, Blood Plasma, X Ray Bone Densitometer, X Ray Film Processor, Simulator, Radiotherapy, X Ray CT Scanner, Diagnostic Radiographic System, Ray Film Processor, X Ray Test Kit, X Ray CT Scanner, Other Radiology Equipment, 4 Cyro Surgery, 4 Instruments Sets, Urological, 4 Operating Light, 4 ENT Unit and Chair, 4 Instruments Sets, Dermatology, 4 Anesthesia Gas Monitor, 4 Instruments Sets, OB GY, 4 Neurological Instruments, 4 Instruments Sets, Bone Surgery, 50. Basic Open Heart Set, 5 Obstetric Delivery Table, 5 Operating Table, 5 Instruments Sets, ENT, 5 Hemo Set.

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Korea International Medical & Hospital Equipment Show Trade Show will start on March 20, 2025 and end on March 23, 2025

The exhibition will take place at , , location. You can reach the address information by clicking the venue link.
The trade show covers sectors
The expo is organised by exhibition company.

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