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Rohvolution Speyer

September 28, 2024

September 29, 2024

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Rohvolution Speyer Speyer

The Rohvolution Speyer Trade Show will be held at Stadthalle Speyer in Speyer, Germany.

More info about Rohvolution Speyer Speyer

Rohvolution Speyer theme will be Healthy nutrition for body, mind, and soul. esh fruit and vegetables need no plastic packaging, a reusable jute bag is quite enough. Especially with the vegan raw food, the on the Rohvolution ® many supporters, these effects are even stronger. By not eating animal foods you not only reduce the risk of life-threatening diseases such as cancer or diabetes, but you also turn away from factory farming, which contributes almost as much to the greenhouse effect as the total emissions of global road traffic.

The Rohvolution Speyer event will bring together the organic fruit producers and shops, cultivators, manufacturers, importers, retailers, wholesalers and suppliers all under one roof. apricot almond, raw foods, pistachio, raw, date tantboucht , hemp seeds, dried fruits, honey & pollen, exotic fruits, nuts, seeds, olive oils, dried seaweed, medicinal plant, fruit baskets, kitchen appliances, ceramic knife, coconut wood products, nutcracker and many more will be exhibited in this show.

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Rohvolution Speyer Trade Show will start on September 28, 2024 and end on September 29, 2024

The exhibition will take place at , , location. You can reach the address information by clicking the venue link.
The expo is organised by exhibition company.

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