
Save Big and Save the Planet: The Surprising Benefits of Sustainable Exhibitions

Exhibitions are increasingly valued for saving time and money while reducing carbon footprints, with a moderate transition towards sustainability seen across the industry.

World map made of green plants

Save time, money, and the planet with sustainable exhibitions. Public investment and shared responsibility drive future success.

  • 🌍 Sustainability Shift: Trade show participants see exhibitions as time-saving (86% exhibitors, 87% visitors) and cost-saving (84% exhibitors, 83% visitors).
  • ✈️ Carbon Footprint: Exhibitions help reduce travel-related carbon footprints for 67% of exhibitors and 64% of visitors.
  • ♻️ Industry Transition: The exhibition industry’s move towards sustainability is seen as halfway between “just starting” and “very advanced.”
  • 📊 Perception of Efforts: 73% of participants find it crucial for trade shows to commit to sustainability, with mixed reviews on current efforts.
  • 🏢 COVID-19 Impact: Despite the pandemic, sustainability investments have continued, with only 54% of companies reducing related investments.
  • 💡 Public Investment: 89% of exhibition companies believe public funding is crucial for sustainability initiatives.
  • 🛠️ Key Priorities: Participants prioritize reducing costs of sustainable materials, developing new technologies, and educating all levels about sustainability.
  • 📈 Strong Fundamentals: Despite economic hits from COVID-19, the importance of sustainability in exhibitions remains strong among participants.
  • 🏅 Pre-COVID Trends: 73% of exhibitors and visitors wanted trade shows to show a strong commitment to sustainability, even before the pandemic.
  • 📉 Mixed Reviews: While some see the industry’s efforts as average, a chunk of exhibitors and visitors still rate them as “very poor” or “poor.”
  • 🚀 Future Success: 58% of both exhibitors and visitors believe that improving environmental impact is key to the long-term success of the trade show sector.
  • 🌱 Key Differences: Participants see plastic and food as top priorities, while the industry focuses more on travel and booths.
  • 🤝 Shared Responsibility: 77% of exhibitors and 65% of visitors think event organizers should lead the way in improving the industry’s environmental impact.
  • 🌐 Action Areas: To make trade shows more sustainable, participants suggest cutting costs of sustainable materials, creating new tech for waste reduction, and boosting sustainability education.

Source: UFI

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